Thursday, August 7, 2008

Web Design - SEO Success

Search Engine Optimization is a long term marketing well planned strategy that is pursued and analyzed all along the process.

Conceptualization: The idea is conceived using sound logic and purpose. Once the vision and the focus is in place the next step is research and analysis which under any circumstances is a must. Web Design is not a hasty quick fire process; a careful step by step well conceived development should take follow by an expert team.

Keyword Research: Begins with understanding the fundamental of the business the web site is conducting. Lots of brainstorming and analysis is required before coming to conclusion what keywords the user would be typing the most to reach the websites. Key word research and story board level work can go side by side.

Competitor: Having a peek at the competition can be an eye opener it gives direction to your plans. Knowing what your competitor's website is doing will open up hidden vistas about the field you are trying to penetrate?

Web Design and Development: When in the process of web development search engines and directories should be kept in the mind. A professional approach means much less changes and editions later on else it can become frustrating both to the owner and the wed Designer. A sound internal architecture and aesthetic Design that suits the products and services you are selling is very important both from the user angle and positioning on the Internet. The crux is the site should be web friendly as well as prized by the algorithms of search engines.

Content: This is the most neglected aspect of website Design, very few web Design companies actually bother about evaluating site content seriously. Since seo content writers are hard to come by and costly and also since very few clients are aware of valuable and unique content on the website. Most of the content though with some degree of relevance is hastily put. The right content including the title and description means user friendly and search engine friendly Design.

Site maps: the site map should be both XML version and HTML version the latter is for users and former is for search engines. XML site map is accepted by Google, MSN and Yahoo and may be some less popular search engines. The site maps should not have more than fifty links in case of larger websites and portals. In such case the site map should be created using more pages to accommodate all the links the site has.

I am a freelance seo content writer and hence interested in web Design and development. I write often on" target="_blank">website Design and search engine optimization.

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Angel Tattoo Designs - Which Should You Get?

Every person searches for their own version of divinity at one point or another in their lives. We each strive to be the best version of ourselves and we each want to feel that people are innately good. Angel tattoo Designs have been one of the most popular for decades. People seem to relate to their beauty, power and grace. Whether it is a group of angels or just an angel's wings, these divine creatures represent something special and unique to each of us. For some it is a deeply spiritual connection. Binding the permanence of faith with the permanence of a tattoo can bring to light a very special relationship.

Angels can mean different things to men and women. For women, an angel often denotes the desire to maintain purity or their desire to be a good person. Angels symbolize the ultimate nurturer because they are often depicted as rescuers or saviours. It is fitting then that women usually find a common ground with them. Wearing one on your body signifies a deep desire to be cared for and looked after. It also shows one's own innate ability to protect oneself. Angels are a sign of strength for men. Many angels have been described as warriors of the soul. Men choose angel tattoos as a symbol for bravery and courage. Universally, angels signify protection for either sex. Many people look at angels as guardians and a gauge for the moral compass.

When it comes to angel tattoo Designs, your options are literally endless! There are a variety of angels to choose from. Guardian angels are very popular for parents. They signify having the strength to protect those closest to you and exhibit the courageous protection of love. Cherub tattoos symbolize innocent love. Often people will add the names of loved ones lost to the image of a cherub. These are also suitable for remembering children as they were when they were little. Archangels are usually reserved for those with strong religious beliefs. In Christianity, only three angels are given the highest order of the angels. These are Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. Archangels can also be found in Judaism and Islam. The most controversial angels are those that have fallen. Fallen angels have been exiled from heaven. The most famous of these is Lucifer. These tattoos demonstrate the fragile nature of the spirit, but can also represent darker beliefs.

Since angel tattoo Designs are increasing in popularity every year, it shouldn't be difficult to find a tattoo artist with a lot of experience. Creating beautiful angels is delicate work. Their facial expressions and the detail in their wings can only be duplicated by a true professional. Do your research thoroughly. There are many Designs to browse online and you can always go into a tattoo shop to see sketches and photos of tattoos in person. Don't rush into a decision or let anyone talk you into a Design you aren't totally sure about. Sleep on it and give yourself a lot of time to mull it over.

We have reviewed the very best websites with thousands of exclusive and creative tattoo Designs to browse through, check out the free reviews at - click here.

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